A New Leaf and A New Life though Photography

So I originally made this blog as my great plan to catalog my past travels. Maybe after all of my experiences I could think back and share bits of knowledge with people though my posts. But I quickly realized that I am a terrible writer and that it is super hard to actually commit to a blog. Who would have thought eh? I found it hard since my travels had already ended and I was back home trying to recount all that had happened. Bits become fuzzy and mixed in with the sadness of having ended a full year of solo backpacking around the globe.

But here I am breathing new life into this old blog. It has been years since these old posts on here. I kept traveling, I loved to Australia for a year on a working holiday visa, I spent 6 months traveling south east asia, and I am trying to plan for the next thing that comes along. I have new hobbies and new ideas which require a blog and rather than start all over again I am going to bring this one back to life!

sony_cybershot_dsc_tx10_review-275x183The new direction of the blog will still be travel related but it will also no focus on my new hobby of photography which I have picked up much to late in my travels. If you have found this post on my new blog please don’t judge for the older photographs. On my first around the world trip I packed a weatherproof Sony point-and-shoot the DSC-TX10 which served me incredibly well. It was dropped and scuffed and beat all to hell but it also kept ticking. When I made it to Israel it also allowed me to go snorkeling in the Red Sea and take some great photos. The problem was that I was just traveling to travel. I took photos of random stuff at pretty bad angels just to post to facebook and show my family back home what the town looked like, what I was eating. There was no artististic vision nor much thought or effort behind the majority of my old photos. Though I regret not taking a real DSLR with me a little I know that in hindsight I did the best I could at the time. That DSC-TX10 was top of the line when I bought it I swear!

Over these last years I have become and much much better photographer. I still want to travel and show people the wonders of the world through my photos but now I plan on doing a much better job at it. I will attempt to re-edit my older photos and I will certainly be adding new ones. Sadly that DSC-TX10 that served me so well before seems to have taken really bad photos with heavy center focus and sides like vasoline. Below is a re-edit of one of these older photos that I was able to breathe new life into. So I hereby bring this old blog back to life!


Inspired into action by the late Anthony Bourdain. Grant has been a digital nomad for over 5 years and has traveled though over 35 countries and has spent 2 years living the one bag lifestyle.

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