Aqaba, Jordan

Jordan was a breath of fresh air after Israel, the people that were there were incredibly helpful and friendly. The town isn’t really famous for anything other than being on the Red Sea. The area is much poorer compared to the crazy high end party city of Eilat, Israel just across the border.

But I came here to experience Jordan and use it as my base to get to Petra.  I had no problem spending a few days here while I sorted out my onward travel. The food was crazy good, the people super friendly, and just outside my hostel at the south beach was snorkeling that would blow your mind. All of the stuff you want and none of the stuff you don’t.

If your going to visit Petra from Aqaba you have two options as far as I can tell. One there is a tour bus! I have no idea how to get tickets to get on it, but I know for a fact there is a tour bus from Aqaba to Petra probably daily. Try asking in the major hotels. Two is by taxi which is what I did. You can basically find any taxi driver in town that speaks decent english and tell him you want to go to Petra. These guys have no problem taking you there and back because its easy money for them. Talk to a few of them, and get prices and haggle haggle haggle. One of the divers offer to take me to Petra, wait there, and drive me back for $35 USD.

Also if you are planing to visit Sinai you can take the local ferry over there from Aqaba, I know because I did it myself. Get someone to take you to the AB Marine sales office and buy a ticket and show up at the port. I will say though you better have lots of time. The ferry never leaves on time and never gets there on time. The whole system runs on its own time not yours. You will probably get there at some point, just not the point you wanted.

Previous articleEilat, Israel
Next articlePetra, Jordan
Inspired into action by the late Anthony Bourdain. Grant has been a digital nomad for over 5 years and has traveled though over 35 countries and has spent 2 years living the one bag lifestyle.

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