Everest Base Camp, Nepal

The Everest base camp trek was one of the greatest things I did in my travels and possibly one of the greatest things of my life. I never planned on doing it from the start of my travels but talking to other travelers along the way made it something I had to do.

I never expected it to be so amazing and its not something I every planned on doing. Wasn’t even on my radar of things I wanted to do. It’s going to be hard to explain but this trek was magical for me. Many things happened that all added up to a great moment for me.

Number one was the disconnect.  Ive worked at a computer for the last 6 years, its as familiar to me as one of my arms. But on this trek I had no phone, no laptop, nothing to get in my way. All I had was my kindle and cloths with me.

Number two was the book I was reading. I had just started the Lord of the Rings before the trek. Now you may laugh at this but the world in the book and the trek matches up perfectly. It felt like I was traveling along with the story like I was a part of their world. At the start of the trek you are in green grass and forests, from here you progress higher and higher. It gets colder, the tress go away, snow starts to build. Everything matches up with the route taken by Fordo. To me Everest Base camp was Mordor only cold instead of hot. One of the teahouses is even called the Rivendell Lodge so I know I am not the first to experience this. If you are going to start the trek I HIGHLY recommend reading the Lord of the Rings along the way. When I finally reached base camp I even ate a donut to symbolize my destroying of a ring to mark the end of my journey.

Number three was the nature. Crisp air fresher than you have ever breathed before, indescribable views of snow top mountains and valleys, food so fresh it’s grown in the garden next to your lodge. Along the trek you cross at least 5 different climate zones giving you always something new to see. I can guarantee that you will never find a similar experience anywhere else.

As I said before the entire trek was simply magical and an experience ill never forget. By the end of it I could see myself taking a trek like this every year for the rest of my life. I’ll be writing some other posts about Everest so keep a look out for them.

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Inspired into action by the late Anthony Bourdain. Grant has been a digital nomad for over 5 years and has traveled though over 35 countries and has spent 2 years living the one bag lifestyle.

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