Jerusalem, Israel

Jerusalem the holiest city in the world or the rudest? Now before I start let me tell you guys this is just my own opinion from the experience that I had. Everyone gets something different out of traveling and this is what I got.

So the holy city is just that, really holy. I mean when you go to church all you get are stories and stories never quite feel real. So it was pretty crazy to be somewhere and have them tell you that this is the specific spot where Jesus died. This is where the cross was. This is where Muhammad ascended into heaven. This was the site of our holy temple, and this wall is all that remains. Its absolutely overwhelming just seeing these places and the people praying at them.

But if you’re not blinded by the overwhelming feeling of going to your religions main site your going to see something very different. Everywhere you look there is conflict, all the major religions are fighting for the same lands and even among themselves. All of the conflict really takes away from the experience.

But you said rudest at the start. Well I hate to say it but this was the rudest and most unwelcoming place I have visited out of everywhere I have been. I was treated horribly everywhere I went and with everything I tried to do. What to grab dinner from a walk up place? Expect to be ignored until you go away if you don’t speak hebrew. After 30mins of trying to order a pizza I just walked out. It took me another 30mins to get a Falafel across the street. What to try new foods or learn about the culture more by visiting the large food markets? Forget it. No one will tell you what they are, how its made, or let you try it.

I only stayed two days in town, long enough to see the major sites before I left to go elsewhere.

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Inspired into action by the late Anthony Bourdain. Grant has been a digital nomad for over 5 years and has traveled though over 35 countries and has spent 2 years living the one bag lifestyle.

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