Munich, Germany

I was only in Munich for two days, the plan was to go to this German reggae concert by Seeed. Then head down into Italy and come back to Munich right before Christmas but I never got around to it.

But in the little time that I did have there I had an amazing time and met some great people. This was the first city that I actually couch surfed in. Before I had just gone to the couchsurfing meet ups but I was always staying in a hostel. So for the two days I was in Munich I was crashing on some guy’s couch. This was actually really cool because it was the first time I was staying with a local from the area. So when he got off work he showed me around town and took me out to dinner. This worked out great because he ordered the food and the beer because I couldn’t read the menu. So I was able to try something that I never would’ve been able to do if I had not met him. The stuff he ordered for me was absolutely amazing. The Bavarian culture really has some of the best food and without a doubt the best beer in the world.

I had an extra ticket so we both went to the seed concert which was absolutely amazing. The town was decorated for Christmas but the stalls in the market were not open yet. But I did get to at least see the decorations going up even if I didn’t experience them. The city seemed really cool so I plan to go back some day and really get a good tour of the place, definitely for longer than the 2 days I was there. Did I mention the beer was amazing?

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Inspired into action by the late Anthony Bourdain. Grant has been a digital nomad for over 5 years and has traveled though over 35 countries and has spent 2 years living the one bag lifestyle.

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