Naples, Italy

Everyone told me not to go to Naples. That there was nothing to see, that it wasn’t safe, and that it was really dirty. But I was so close and my sense of adventure told me to go anyway. What I found when I got there was completely different from the Naples everyone told me about. I found the city to be absolutely beautiful and the food simply amazing.

The hostel that I stayed at was one of the friendliest that I have ever been to and their staff was incredibly helpful. The other people staying at the hostel were also incredibly friendly and outgoing. It was interesting that despite being told how horrible it would be it seemed to attract the friendliest of people.

But I was not impressed with the locals of the town. Almost everything in town had graffiti on it including statues and the opera house. It seemed like no one there had any respect for their culture or history. But this did give the city unique feel, I compare it to Gotham City from the Batman series. It had a sort of raw and grungy feel to it. I would definitely go back because I feel these traits gave the city a certain charm if that makes any sense.

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Inspired into action by the late Anthony Bourdain. Grant has been a digital nomad for over 5 years and has traveled though over 35 countries and has spent 2 years living the one bag lifestyle.

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