Rome, Italy

Rome is just ridiculous, it’s impossible for you to just picture the amount of stuff going on in the city if you have never been. Absolutely everywhere you look are columns and ancient buildings. You can’t go 5 feet without running into something historic, it’s simply overwhelming. But it truly was one of the nicest cities have ever visited and I would move there in a heartbeat if they let me.

Some places I visited you are able to see everything in just a few days. But that simply is impossible when it comes to Rome. There are just way too many things to see and do in the city to try to cram them in short period of time. My buddy and I spent three days in Rome and I was able to see quite a bit but that is only because he had been to Rome multiple times and was able to show me around for those three days. If I had a guidebook or if he wasn’t there I wouldn’t have seen half of what I saw.

I am absolutely sure that I saw nowhere near what Rome has to offer in the short period of time I was there. It’s one of those cities where every time you visit you are sure to find something new. I will definitely be back to visit again as soon as I can.

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Inspired into action by the late Anthony Bourdain. Grant has been a digital nomad for over 5 years and has traveled though over 35 countries and has spent 2 years living the one bag lifestyle.

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