Udaipur, India

Udaipur was one of my favorite places in India. It has way more tourists so the area is super clean and offers a lot of alternative food choices. You will see German bakeries and coffee shops everywhere downtown. There are even waterfront cafes where you can just relax and read. The city was much more to my style, so much so that I extended my time here and spent a little over a week here just relaxing and enjoying India.

Most of my days were spent doing nothing, but there are a number of things to see here and day trips you can go on. I don’t remember using the tourist office here so if you need anything it might be best to ask your hotel. They will arrange pretty much anything you could need for a price, one of the perks of India.

The city really feels kinda like a expat community or tourist run area. Its clean, friendly and almost european in nature. I didn’t find anything else like this in India.It may or may not be what you are looking for because of this. If your looking for the gritty India you wont find it here.

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Inspired into action by the late Anthony Bourdain. Grant has been a digital nomad for over 5 years and has traveled though over 35 countries and has spent 2 years living the one bag lifestyle.

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